Yr Iesu glyw ein cwyn

(Gymorth yr Eiriolwr)
Yr Iesu glyw ein cwyn
  Yn addfwyn, er Ei glod;
Ein beichiau, parod yw i'w dwyn -
  Ffyddlonaf fu erioed.

Mae'n eriol drosom fry
  Ynghanol nef y nef;
Caiff pob tymhestloedd chwythu o'n tu,
  Nes myned draw i dref.

Rhoed i ni yma le
  O dan y ne'n Ei dŷ
Ar fỳr fe ddenfyn Iesu i'n hol
  I'w gôl i Salem fry.
John Thomas 1730-1803

Tôn [MB 6686]: Dole (J T Rees 1857-1949)

  Ei 'nabod Ef yn iawn
  Rhoed i ni yma le
  Rho'w'd ini yma le

(The Help of the Advocate)
Jesus hears our complaint
   Gentle, despite His acclaim;
Our burdens, ready he is to bear them -
  Most faithful he was ever.

He intercedes for us above
  In the middle of the heaven of heaven;
All tempests may blow on our side,
  Until we go yonder home.

He has given us a place here
  Under heaven in His house;
Shortly he will send Jesus to fetch us
  To his bosom to Salem above.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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